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MMMMM--------------Meal-Master Recipe by

      Title: Baked Fennel Stuffed with Mushroom Duxelle
 Categories: Tessa's, Seasonal, Kitchen
      Yield: 1 servings

      4    Bulbs Florence fennel
      1 md Onion
      2    Cloves garlic
    450 g  Brown button mushrooms;
      2 tb Amontillado sherry
    115 g  Fresh white breadcrumbs;
      2 tb Fresh parsley; chopped
      2 tb Fresh sage; chopped
           Grated zest of 1 lemon
           Salt and ground black pepper
      6 tb Extra virgin olive oil

  Trim the fennel bulbs and cut in half vertically through the fronds
  to the root. Using a small knife, scoop out a hollow in the middle.

  Boil a pan of water with 2tsp salt. Drop in the fennel and bring back
  to the boil, then drain and submerge the fennel in iced water to

  Make the filling - finely chop the onion and garlic. Wipe clean and
  chop the mushrooms. Heat 2tbsp oil in a frying pan and fry the onion
  and garlic until soft. Reserve half for the crust. Add the mushrooms
  and thyme and cook together until soft. Add the sherry and cook until
  the mushroom mixture is dry. Remove the thyme and season the filling.

  Preheat the oven to 180C/375F/gas 5. Set the fennel in a single layer
  in a baking dish, cut side uppermost. Fill the hollows with mushroom
  duxelle, piling it up into a dome in the centre. Put the fresh
  breadcrumbs into a mixing bowl. Add the onion, garlic, chopped herbs,
  olive oil and seasoning. Bind together, mixing well to form a mass
  which will stick together in your hand.

  Top the fennel and duxelle with the breadcrumb crust, patting it on
  firmly. Drizzle with olive oil.

  Bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes until the fennel is cooked
  and the crust is crisp and golden.

  Serve with a chunky tomato or citrus sauce.

  Converted by MC_Buster.

    Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.


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