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MMMMM--------------Meal-Master Recipe by

      Title: Cajun Boudin
 Categories: None
      Yield: 1 servings

      5 lb Pork butt or shoulder
      3 lb Pork liver
      2    Finely chopped onions
      4 bn Scallions; finely chopped
      2    Handfuls chopped parsley
      1 c  Chopped celery; (optional)
      4 ts Cayenne; (I used lots, lots
           Salt; black pepper to taste,
           -(again, I use lots)
           Garlic powder; optional, (I
           -like garlic, but forgo it
           -in boudin)

  Boil meat about 2 hours, until it falls apart. Prepare the rice. Grind
  everything but the rice and seasonings, then add the rice and
  seasonings, adding enought broth left over from boiling the meat to
  make the stuffing moist. Stuff into boiled and rinsed and drained

  I talked this out of Ellis Cormier, the Boudin King of Jennings, LA,
  a few years ago while working on a documentary project. My batches
  have gotten great reviews from expatriate Cajuns.

  Posted to bbq-digest by Gary Wiviott  on Feb 21,
  1999, converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.


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