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MMMMM--------------Meal-Master Recipe by

      Title: Quick and Easy Potato Salad
 Categories: Salads
      Yield: 6 Servings

           Jeannie Allen
           ( Made for Reunion Picnic
           Labor Day, 1995).
           This potato salad uses no
           Mayonnaise so it's less
           Likely to spoil in hot
           Weather. Also, the trick
           To it is adding the salad
           Dressing to the potatoes
           While they're still warm-
           They soak it right up !
      5 lg Potatoes, peeled and cut
           Into 1 " chunks
      1 sm Red onion, finely chopped
      3    Ribs of celery
           Finely chopped
      1 sm Cucumber, peeled and
           Coarsley chopped
    1/4 c  Parmesan cheese
      1    16 oz bottle Italian
           Salad dressing.

    I figured this recipe to be about 6 servings, and I used my MM to
  increase it for the large family get together. Please enjoy...

  From: Lewisallen


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