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MMMMM--------------Meal-Master Recipe by

      Title: Lasagna with White Sauce
 Categories: None
      Yield: 1 Servings

           Breasts of 3 chickens;
  1 1/4 c  Chicken broth
      1 c  Water
      1 tb Salt
    1/4 c  Cooking oil
      1 lb Lasagna noodles
    1/4 lb Shredded prosciutto ham
      1 c  Freshly chopped parsley

    3/4 c  Sweet butter
  7 1/2 tb Flour
      2 c  Milk
  1 1/2 c  Whipping cream
      1 c  Reserved broth
    1/2 ts Rosemary
    1/2 ts Tarragon
    1/2 ts Beau Monde
    1/2 ts Salt
      1 ds Nutmeg
  1 1/2 c  Freshly grated Parmesan
           Chopped fresh parsley

  The recipe is from *Palm Beach Entertains* - Jr. League. It is somewhat
  time consuming, but makes an elegant dinner for company. I usually serve it
  with a hearts of palm salad.

  Preheat oven to 350o. Cook chicken breasts in a large pan with the broth
  and water for approximately 1/2 hr. until tender. Allow chicken to cool,
  then remove meat from bones. Cut chicken into bite-sized strips. Reserve
  broth for use in sauce. Bring at least 3 qts of water to a rapid boil, then
  add 1T salt and the cooking oil. Drop in the noodles, and cook until al
  dente so the noodles are slightly underdone. Drain noodles and lay to dry
  on a towel.

  To Prepare Sauce:

  In a large saucepan, melt the butter. Blend in the flour and cook, stirring
  constantly with wire whisk over low heat until mixture boils and thickens.
  Add seasonings. Remove from heat and stir in the cheese.

  To Assemble:

  Lightly butter a 9x13 baking dish. Place a layer of noodles on the bottom,
  then a layer of sauce, a layer of chicken, and shredded ham. Repeat this
  until the dish consists of 4 layers of noodles and sauce and 3 layers of
  chicken and ham. Sprinkle nutmeg over top. Bake 20 to 25 minutes. Before
  serving, top with fresh parsley.

  Serves 6 - 8.

  My note: Don't assemble this much before you're ready to cook it, as the
  noodles tend to absorb the sauce and it dries out.

  Posted to TNT - Prodigy's Recipe Exchange Newsletter  by Marlo
   on Sep 18, 1997


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