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Basic recipes - great chefs
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In my attempt to type out the recipes of the Great Chefs books series, I've run across some "basic" recipes that run through all of the books. They are the "stock" recipes that are common to all cooking, and I'm sure you have these. But just in case (and for my own files) I typed them out anyway.

Here (and in subsequent messages) are the recipes for:

01 Almond Cookie Shells - Great Chefs 02 Asparagus Sauce - Great Chefs

03 Aspic Jelly - Great Chefs 04 Basil Puree - Great Chefs 05 Buttercream - Great Chefs 06 Cream Truffle Sauce - Great Chefs 07 Cream of Shallots Sauce - Great Chefs 08 Creme Anglaise - Great Chefs 09 Curry Butter - Great Chefs 10 Garlic Puree - Great Chefs 11 Genoise - Great Chefs 12 Nantua Sauce - Great Chefs 13 Parmesan-Basil Cream Sauce - Great Chefs

14 Red Wine Sauce - Gret Chefs 15 Salmon Mousse - Great Chefs 16 Shallot Puree - Great Chefs 17 Vanilla Ice Cream - Great Chefs 18 White Chocolate Mousse - Great Chefs 19 Wine Butter Sauce - Great Chefs

20 Apricot Glaze - Great Chefs 21 Brioche - Great Chefs 22 Fish Fume - Great Chefs 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

I hope some of you will be able to get SOmething out of these recipes.

-= Rob Stewart =-

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