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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
1 x ca. 450 g | Beef or lamb liver sliced |
1 Teelöffel | salt |
1/4 Teelöffel | pepper |
1 Teelöffel | paprika |
1/4 Teelöffel | thyme |
2 Esslöffel | flour |
2 Esslöffel | salad oil |
2 | onions chopped |
4 | To 6 ea Carrots diced |
2 1/2 Tasse | tomatoes canned |
1 Teelöffel | brown sugar |
Beef or Lamb Liver Casserole
Combine the salt, pepper, paprika, thyme and flour and roll the liver in it. Reserve 2 t of the flour mixture for later use. Sear both sides of the liver in the salad oil over high heat. Place in a casserole dish, but reserve the fat in the pan.
Add the onions and carrots to the fat and stir constantly over low heat for one minute. Pour over the meat, then sprinkle the whole with the 2 t of the flour mixture. Mix the tomatoes with the brown sugar and pour over all.
Bake uncovered at 375 degrees for 30 minutes, or cover and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.
little longer. (Doris Hogg's Recipe for happy kids.) Enjoy!
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