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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Bird Suet
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
2 x ca. 450 gLard*
6 Tassecornmeal
3 TasseWheat flour
4 TasseOatmeal
2 TassePeanut hearts, optional Available at bird and feed stores
die Zubereitung:

* Do Not Substitute Shortening For Lard

Suet makes a great diet supplement for insect eating birds during the winter when insects are harder to find. Bird feeding supply stores sell a wide range of suet cakes, some plain, some mixed with treats such as peanut butter, raisins or other dried fruit, nuts or even peppers.

But you can make your own inexpensive mixture and freeze it to have on hand all winter. This recipe was originally published by the Audubon Society.

Directions: Soften the lard to room temperature. Stir in the other ingredients a couple of cups at a time until the mixture is quite thick.

Freeze the mixture in tuna cans or plastic tubs about 4 inches by 4 inches in size.

The suet cakes can be hung frozen, and they fit nicely in wire suet cage feeders.

Flatman Date: 19 Dec 95

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