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MealMaster - Ansicht
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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
2 Tasse | flour |
2 | eggs |
1/2 Tasse | water |
1 Prise | salt |
1 x ca. 450 g | Extra lean ground beef |
1 Esslöffel | bread crumbs |
1 klein | Onion; diced and sauteed in oil |
1 | egg |
Here's the Kreplach recipe I make every year for Yom Kippur. My Grandmother, of blessed memory, a wonderful cook, once told me the only thing wrong with this Kreplach, was that I didn't make enough of them!
Combine ground beef, cooked onion, beaten egg and bread crumbs. Put into refrigerator until ready to use.
Dough: beat eggs in water and add slowly to flour and salt. Knead and roll to form a ball. Divide dough and roll out mixture as thin as possible. Cut into 2inch squares. Put a small spoonful of filling in each square. Fold over and stick edges together. Crimp edges with fork. Boil in boiling water about 30 minutes.
These may be made in advance. Before boiling, place on lightly floured wax paper cookie sheet and place in freezer until fast frozen. Separate and put into freezer bag until ready to use. To cook, boil in water before placing in soup.
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