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MealMaster - Ansicht
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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
4 Tasse | sugar |
1 1/2 Tasse | water cold |
1 1/2 Esslöffel | white vinegar |
3 | egg whites |
2 Teelöffel | vanilla extract |
2 Teelöffel | Chocolate extract |
1/2 Teelöffel | Walnut or black walnut extract |
In a medium saucepan, combine sugar, water and vinegar. Stir constantly over Medium heat until sugar is dissolved. Attach a candy thermometer to side of pan, if desired. Bring liquid to a boil. Reduce heat so mixture boils slowly. Boil sugar syrup until it reaches 234 F. on thermometer. Or, boil to soft-ball stage, until 1/2 teaspoon syrup dropped into cold water can be shaped into a ball that flattens when removed from water. While candy cooks, generouly butter a large baking sheet. In a large bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form. While constantly beating egg whites slowly pour in cooked syrup. Add extracts. Beat until creamy. Drop from a teaspoon in mounds onto prepared baking sheet. Col for 15 minutes. To keep candies, covwer them with a sheet of foil. Leave at room temperature up to 4 days. Makes 40-60 pieces.
following; half a nut, half a candied cherry and a small piece of candied citron, a piece of candied orange peel, a small piece of milk chocolate or a small piece of bittersweet chocolate. Mc formatting by bobbi744@sojourn. Com
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