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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
1 Packung | Active dry yeast (1/4 oz) |
1/4 Tasse | water Lukewarm |
1 Teelöffel | salt |
3 Esslöffel | vegetable shortening melted |
1 Tasse | water cold |
4 1/2 Tasse | all-purpose flour |
In a large bowl, soften the yeast in the lukewarm water. Mix the salt, 2 tablespoons of the shortening, and the cold water together and add to the yeast mixture. Sift in the flour gradually, beating well after each addition for a smooth consistency. You will probably have to knead in the final cup of flour. Shape the dough into a ball, brish lightly with the remaining shortening, and cover with a dry cloth. Set the bowl in a warm place until doubled in bulk, anout 1 hour. Punch the dough down and, on a floured board, knead about 5 minutes. Shape into 2 round loaves on a well greased baking sheet. Cover with a dry cloth and set to rise another 45 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400F. Bake the loaves on a cookie sheet 50 minutes, until they are light brown and sound hollow when tapped.
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