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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
1000 Gramm | Cubed pork (best with the fat) |
1 | Chicken; chopped into small pieces (optional) |
1 Tasse | soy sauce |
3/4 Tasse | vinegar |
2 | Laurel leaves |
1 Esslöffel | peppercorns |
1 | Cloves garlic chopped |
I was requested to submit this recipe here. This is a very common Filipino dish and very practical for tropical countries because of the lack of electricity and appliances in villages and it can keep for days without refrigeration. This dish however has become one of the Philippine favorites even in cities and towns.
Combine all ingredients in a caserole and bring to a boil. Bring heat to medium and simmer until meat is very tender. Some would transfer the dish to a wok and fry the dish in its own oil until the pork and chicken are shredded. Serve with rice. Most families do this purely with pork. For variation it is also good to include chicken slices. This they call Chicken-Pork Adobo.
Ed Montalvan, P.O. Box 232, 9000 Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
From the 'REcipeinternet: Recipes from Around the World' recipe list.
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