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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
Barbecue Hamburger Patties
Zutaten für 6 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1 1/2 x ca. 450 gground beef
1/2 TasseOnion; chopped, 1 medium
1 Teelöffelsalt
1/3 Tassecatsup
1/2 Tassechilli sauce
2 Esslöffelbrown sugar
1 Esslöffellemon juice
die Zubereitung:

mix the meat, onion, and salt together. Shape the mixture into 6 patties, each about 3/4-inch thick. Brown the patties in a large skillet over medium-high heat, turning once. Cover and cook over low heat about 10 minutes. Drain off the excess fat. Mix catsup, chili sauce, brown sugar, and lemon juice. Pour sauce over the patties. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes, spooning the sauce onto the patties occasionally. Serve with the sauce spooned over the patties.

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