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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Barbecued Shrimp #6
Zutaten für 12 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
(up to)
5 x ca. 450 gLarge shrimp; raw, unpeeled
1 Esslöffelgarlic salt
1 Teelöffelcelery salt
1/3 TasseWorcestershire Sauce
2 Esslöffeloil
1 Esslöffelthyme
1/4 Teelöffelcayenne pepper
1 Priserosemary
1 TeelöffelBeef extract
1 EsslöffelChervil
Sticks butter
die Zubereitung:

Here are three recipes (that make a whole meal)from my wife's cousin (Pam Holley) that my mother-in-law brought back from a recent trip. The recipes were published in the 7-13-94 issue of the Tyler Courier-Times. Both Pam and her mother are known by the family and their friends for their cooking. (Not the low fat low cal kind) Sorry the article does not state the serving size or time, but it does say the total time to prepare the whole meal is 45 minutes (preparing dishes before baking).

Mix ingredients and pour over shrimp in casserole dish. Marinade at least one hour in refrigerator (preferably overnight). Bring back to room temperature and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes for 3 pounds of shrimp or a little longer for 5 pounds.

From the MasterCook recipe list. Downloaded from Glen's Mm Recipe Archive,

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