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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
Barley Stuffed Green Peppers
Zutaten für 4 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1 Esslöffelvegetable oil
2 TasseMushrooms chopped
1 Tasseonions chopped
1 1/2 TassePearl barley, cooked
2 Esslöffelparsley chopped
1/4 Teelöffelthyme
1/4 Teelöffelpepper
1 TasseMonterey Jack shredded
4 mittelBell peppers
1 TasseMarinara sauce
die Zubereitung:

Preheat oven to 350F. Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add mushrooms and onions and cook, stirring until the onions are browned. Stir in the barley, parsley, thyme and pepper(ground). Stir in the cheese; set aside. Rinse the bell peppers. Cut off the tops; remove and discard the seeds and pith. If necessary, make a thin slice on the bottom of each pepper to balance. Spoon 1/4 of the mixture into each pepper. Stand the peppers upright in a baking dish just large enough to accommodate them. Pour the saice into the baking dish. Bake 30 minutes or until the peppers are tender.

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