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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Basic Egg Pasta Dough
Zutaten für 8 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
4 1/2 Tasseall-purpose flour
die Zubereitung:

well in the center. Break the eggs into well; beat with a fork. Draw some flour from inner rim of well over eggs, beating constantly. Keep adding flour a little at a time until you have a soft dough. Put dough aside. With a pastry scraper, remove bits and pieces of dough attached to board. Lightly flour board and your hands. Knead dough 10 to 12 minutes, adding flour a little at a time until dough is smooth and pliable. Insert a finger into center of dough. If it comes out almost dry, dough is ready for pasta machine. If dough is sticky, knead it a little longer adding more flour. Cut an egg-size piece from dough. Wrap remaining dough in a cloth towel to prevent it from drying. Set rollers of pasta machine at their widest setting. Flatten small piece of dough, dust with flour and fold in half. Run it through pasta machine. Repeat this step 5 to 8 times until dough is smooth and not sticky. Change notch of pasta machine to the next setting and run dough through once without folding. Keep changing setting and working pasta sheet through machine until pasta reaches desired thickness. A good thickness for general use is about 1/16 inch. Sprinkle dough with flour between rollings if it is sticky.

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