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MealMaster - Ansicht
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3/4 Tasse | all-purpose flour unbleached |
1 | egg |
Combine the flour and egg in the mixing bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade.Process for a few minutes.The dough will look very granular, like yellow-colored, uncooked cream of wheat.Pinch the dough.It should stock together.If it does not stick, mix in a bit of oil or water. Form a ball with the dough and knead for a few minutes on a lightly floured board.It will become smooth and hard(much harder than bread dough).In a few minutes, the dough should look satiny and smooth.Wrap it in plastic and let rest for about 30 minutes. Then roll out the dough through a pasta roller or by hand.Sprinkle additional flour on the dough as needed to prevent sticking.The dough is quite forgiving and can be handled easily. When the rolled-out pasta sheet feels dry, not sticky, cut into noodles by hand or with the machine. If you have a pasta drying rack, hang the cut pasta on the rack.If not, wrap the noodles around your hand to form a nest and set it on a lightly floured board.Toss with flour on occasion to allow the pasta to dry evenly. Fresh pasta cooks quickly.Add it to boiling water and test a strand every 15 seconds until done. Sometimes, I vary this recipe by adding 1 1/2 tsp. Of olive oil and up to 1 tbsp. Of a flavoring ingredient, such as minced fresh herbs or garlic, tomato paste or pureed beets. Keeping the same proportions of 1 egg to 3/4 cup flour, the recipe can be multiplied as many times as needed.A 1 egg recipe will feed 1 or 2 people for a main course;a 2 egg recipe feeds 2 to 3.An average size food processor will handle a 3 egg recipe easily.If you need to make more, it is a good idea to make several batches.
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