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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Basic Venison Stock
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
5 x ca. 450 gBones, cut or chopped small
2 x ca. 450 gMeat cut into 1/2 inch cubes
2 mittelOnions, chopped into 1/2 inch pieces
2 mittelCarrots, diced small
Ribs celery, diced small
1 TasseDry red wine (or 1 cup apple juice)
1 1/2 x ca. 4 Literwater
1 Teelöffelthyme
1 EsslöffelJuniper berries (optional)
bay leaves
1/2 Tassetomato paste
die Zubereitung:

yields about 1 gallon

Method: Roast bones and meat on a rack in a roasting pan at 400 degrees until well browned - about 40 minutes. Put celery, carrot and onion on top of meat and brown also, another 15 minutes. When browned, discard fat in the pan and put bones, meat, vegetables in a pot large enough to hold everything. Put roasting pan on a stovetop burner over medium heat, pour wine into pan and deglaze, scraping any browned residue off pan and add to stock pot. Add water, covering the solids, and remaining ingredients. Bring to a gentle boil then cover and reduce heat to a very slow simmer for at least six hours, skimming occasionally. Uncover and simmer for four more hours or until reduced to a gallon of liquid. Strain, discarding solids and cool, uncovered. Cover when fully chilled (and not before or it may sour).

To make larger batches, just multiply everything except thyme, juniper and bay. For each doubling of all the other ingredients, multiply them by 1 1/2 or they'll be too strong.

That's the basic stock from which we'll make these two sauces. The first one is rich; a good sauce to put on venison no matter how you've cooked it. The second is the fullest taste of venison you're ever likely to find, with a very deeply concentrated flavor. This first sauce, Venison Espagnole, is what's called "a thickened reduction" and the second, Venison Demi-Glace, begins with the first and more of the stock, then goes to a yet further reduction. In each case, flavor is more intensified and developed than in the stages before.

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