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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
2 Teelöffel | cornstarch |
1/2 Tasse | vegetable stock |
1 Teelöffel | Chili paste with soy bean |
2 Esslöffel | Chinese thin soy sauce |
1 Esslöffel | sesame oil |
1/2 Teelöffel | salt |
1/2 Teelöffel | sugar |
2 Esslöffel | vegetable oil |
3 | Garlic cloves peeled, minced |
1 Teelöffel | Very finely minced ginger |
3 | Scallions very finely sliced into rounds, including 3/4 of the green |
1 x ca. 450 g | Bean curd cut into 1-inch cubes |
Prepare the sauce. Put the cornstarch in a small bowl. Slowly add the vegetable stock, mixing as you do so. Now add the chili paste, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, and sugar. Mix again. Set the sauce aside.
Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium high flame. When hot, put in the garlic and ginger. Stir and fry for 5 seconds. Put in the bean curd. Stir and fry for 1 minute. Turn heat to low. Stir the sauce and pour it over the bean curd. Mix gently and bring to a simmer. Let the sauce thicken, stirring gently every now and then as it does so.
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