Top round or sirloin steak (cut very thin - 1/4 inch slices or pieces)
1 gross
onion thinly sliced
Cloves garlic coarsely chopped
2 Teelöffel
parsley chopped
3 Esslöffel
Romano cheese
4 x ca. 30 g
Proscuitto ham
1/2 Tasse
(up to)
1 Tasse
red wine
1 Prise
die Zubereitung:
Cut steak into 3- to 4-inch squares. Mix together garlic, parsley, cheese & proscuitto. Place 1 teaspoon of mixture in center of meat, place onion slice on top. Roll carefully, tie with string or fasten with toothpicks. Brown in oil 8-10 minutes. Make gravy with drippings. Add 1/2 to 1 cup burgundy (red) wine & a pinch of rosemary. Simmer 30 minutes.
Mrs Michael A (Dotty) Di Gennaro
From the <The Bliss of Cooking Returns>, Fort Bliss Officers Wives Club, Ft. Bliss, Tx. Downloaded from Glen's Mm Recipe Archive,