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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
Beef with Pickled Walnuts
Zutaten für 6 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
2 1/4 x ca. 450 gStewing steak
1/2 x ca. 450 gOx kidney
1 x ca. 450 gcarrots
Pickled walnuts (or more)
bay leaves
3 EsslöffelBeef dripping or olive oil
1 1/2 x ca. 30 gflour
1 x ca. 1/2 Liter(scant) light stock
die Zubereitung:

Prepare the meats in the usual way, removing all traces of fat, gristle and membrane, and cut into large chunks. Cut the onions into one-eighths. Scrub or scrape the carrots and cut them into 1/2 to 3/4 inch lengths. Toss with the meats, onions and carrots in the flour (which should be well-seasoned) and brown and seal, in batches, in sizzling hot frying pan barely filmed with dripping or well-flavoured oil. Transfer to a flameproof casserole. "Wash out" the frying pan with some of the stock and add it to the casserole. Add the rest of the stock, 2 tablespoons juice from the jar of pickled walnuts and the bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper and bring to simmering point. Cover and cook at 300 F (150 C) gas mark 2 for about 3 hours until the meats are very tender and the gravy is deliciously rich.

Add the quartered or sliced walnuts to the beef. Check the stew for seasoning and cook for about 15 minutes more before serving.

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