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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Peter Paul Mounds and Almond Joy
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
5 x ca. 30 gcondensed milk sweetened
1 Teelöffelvanilla extract
2 Tassesugar powdered
14 x ca. 30 gPremium coconut; shred/flake
24 x ca. 30 gchocolate chips semisweet
die Zubereitung:

Blend the condensed milk and vanilla add the powdered sugar to the abovemixture a little bit at a time stirring until smooth. Stir in the coconut. The mixture should be firm. Patt he mixture firmly into a greased 9 x 13 x 2 ich pan chill in the refo until firm In a double boiler over hot not boilng water melt the chocolate stirring often. You may also use a micro. Remove the coconut mixture from the refo and cut it into 1 x 2 inch bars. Set each coconut bar onto a fork and dip it into the chocolate. Tap the fork aganst the side of the pan or bolw to remove any excess chocolate. Air dry at room temp on waxed paper for several hours, you may speed up the process by putting in refrigerator for 30 min. 3 dozen bars And if you feel like a nut follow the above recipe with these changes add 1 cup dry roasted almonds to the list of ingredients, substitute milk chocolate chips for semisweet chocolate, at the end put 2 amonds atop each bar before dipping.

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