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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Basic Ghee
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
die Zubereitung:

Heat 1 pound unsalted butter in a heavy-bottomed pot over low heat until it comes to a boil. Let the butter simmer uncovered, occasionally skimming the white foam formed by milk solids accumulating on the surface. After about 1/2 hour, the butter will start to clarify as the remaining milk solids sink to the bottom of the pan. At this point, watch the mixture closely. If the ghee is cooked too long or over too high a heat, it will darken and burn. When the mixture is clear and golden, the ghee is ready. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth into a glass container, discarding white solids. Ghee will keep, refrigerated, for six months or more.

Clarifying butter keeps it from going rancid and it is also able to withstand high temperatures and constant reheating.

MC_Busted by Karen C. Greenlee

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