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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Bbq'd Back Ribs
Zutaten für 4 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
4 x ca. 450 gPork backribs; cut in half
1 TasseApple cider vinegar
1/2 Tassebalsamic vinegar
1 Esslöffellight soy sauce
die Zubereitung:

For the marinade, whisk all liquid ingredients until blended. Remove the thin membrane from the under side of the ribs, this will allow the fat to render while cooking. If you do not remove the membrane you will have a fattier rib instead of the lean finger meat of the rib. Place the ribs in a shallow non reactive container or a large plastic storage bag. Pour the marinade over the ribs and refrigerate overnight, turn a few times every 4-6 hours so all of the rib surface is covered with the marinade.

Remove the ribs from the container and place on paper towels to dry off the marinade before lighting the grill. Discard the remaining marinade. Place charcoal in a pyramid shape and light with either lighter fluid, electric starter or chimney starter. When the coals turn gray place them to one side of the grill. Add an additional 12-15 briquettes to the hot coals. The ribs will be cooked using the indirect method at 225 degrees. Place an aluminum pan filled with hot water next to the coals. Spray the grid with a non-stick spray and let grid heat over the hot coals. Place the ribs bone side down above the water pan on the heated grid or place ribs in a "rib rack" above the water pan. Cover the grill, place bottom vents open halfway and cover vent open halfway as well. Cook for 4 and a half hours or until the ribs can fold back or move up the bone. You will need to add lit charcoal, approximately 8-12 briquettes to the hot coals every hour, so using a chimney starter would work best for this.

If a sauce is desired, brush the ribs with your favorite barbecue sauce during the last ten minutes of cooking. If you sauce prior to this it will burn. Try without the sauce, it is very flavorful!! Suggested Wine: A very cold beer

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