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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Birds' Nests
Zutaten für 24 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1/2 TasseButter - (1 stick); softened
1/4 TasseLight brown sugar; (packed)
egg separated
1/2 Teelöffelvanilla
1 Tasseall-purpose flour
1/4 Teelöffelsalt
3/4 Tassepecans finely chopped
Flavors of jam -; (2 or 3)
die Zubereitung:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Thoroughly mix butter, sugar, egg yolk and vanilla. Sift flour; add flour and salt to butter mixture. Beat egg white until frothy in a small bowl. Roll dough into medium balls; dip into beaten egg white. Roll in chopped nuts. Place on ungreased cookie sheets; using your thumb, make an indentation in the center of each. Bake for 7 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully restore indentations in each cookie; return to oven and bake for 8 minutes. Let cool on cookie sheet. When ready to serve, carefully fill wells with small amount of jam, such as red plum, apricot and blackberry. (Cookies freeze well. Fill with jam just before serving.) Yields 2 dozen.

Tester's notes: Colorful on holiday trays. Outstanding texture, and the pecans give off a wonderful toasted smell and flavor. I recommend making a double batch.


Formatted for MasterCook by Susan Wolfe - vwmv81a@prodigy. Com

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