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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Cherried Sweet Potato Scallop
Zutaten für 6 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
3 1/2 x ca. 450 gSweet Potatoes (Plain Canned Or Fresh)
1 x ca. 450 gTart Cherries, Drained (1 Can)
1 EsslöffelButter Or Regualar Margarine
2/3 Tassebrown sugar firmly packed
1/4 Tassesugar granulated
1 1/2 Teelöffelsalt
1 Tassewater
4 EsslöffelButter or regular margarine
1/2 Tasseorange juice
1/2 x ca. 450 gRegular Marshmallows
die Zubereitung:

Try this the next time you make Sweet Potatoes instead of Potatoes.

If using raw sweet potatoes, pare and cut into slices 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. Place in a saucepan and add 1 cup of water and cook until tender. If using canned, drain.

Useing 1 Tbls of butter, greas a 9 X 13 X 2-inch baking pan and add the sweet potatoes and cherries.

Combine the remaining ingredients except the marshmallows in a saucepan and cook until you have a thin syrup. Pour the syrup over the sweet potatoes and cherries. Bake in a 350 degree F. oven for 30 minutes or until the syrup is thick. Just before serving top with the marshmallows and return to the oven to brown.

From The National Red Cherry Institute

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