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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Pickled Pears
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
14 x ca. 450 gpear
1 ca. 1 Litercider vinegar
6 x ca. 450 gsugar
1 Teelöffelcloves whole
1 TeelöffelCinnamon stick
die Zubereitung:

Any good preserving pear may be used. Slice and remove core or pickle whole; the latter method is preferred when Sickel pears are used. Peel pears. Put spices in a small cheese cloth bag and add to the vinegar and sugar and bring to a boil. Add pears and cook until tender. The pears will look clear when tender. Remove them with a spoon and place them in sterilized jars. Boil the syrup until it becomes thick, the pour it over pears and seal.

Culinary Arts Press, 1936.

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