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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
2 mittel | Onions 2 tb Olive oil |
1/2 Teelöffel | Kosher salt 1/2 tb Champagne or sherry vinegar |
1/8 Teelöffel | black pepper cracked |
1 | Onion Black pepper, to taste |
1 Esslöffel | Butter 2 1/2 tb Sugar |
3 mittel | Beets Chopped chives or parsley |
1/4 Teelöffel | salt kosher |
Vinaigrette Peel onions, trim root and top ends. Halve onions from top to bottom, then slice lengthwise into thin julienne strips, about 2 inch long, 1/8" by 1/8" thick. Place onions in a glass bowl or other microwave safe container; season with salt and pepper. Add olive oil and vinegar. Marinate 20 minutes.
Beets Peel, trim and cut onion as for vinaigrette. Combine onion and butter in a 1 quart glass baking dish. cover with plastic wrap and pierce twice to allow steam to escape. Cook on 100 percent power for 1 minutes in a microwave oven. Reserve. Wash and peel beets; trim root and stem ends. Slice 1/8th inch thick; cut slices into 1/8 inch strips. Julienne strips should be the same size. Salt and pepper, toss gently. cover with vented plastic and cook on high, stirring occassionally, 7-8 minutes or until almost tender. Sprinkle with sugar, toss gently, and cook on high for 7-8 more minutes or until the liquid has a syrupy consistency. Remove dish from oven and let stand, covered, 2-3 minutes. Adjust seasoning if necessary. Cover bowl containing onion vinaigrette with plastic wrap. Cook on high foor 5 minutes or until onions soften slightly. Spoon hot vinaigrette onto four to six plates, arranging onion in a ring. Divide the beet mixture among the plates, mounding it in the center of each ring of onions. Sprinkle with chives or parsley. Makes 4-6 servings.
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