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MealMaster - Ansicht
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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
10 | Tomatillos |
6 x ca. 30 g | Green Tomato, Unripe |
2 Esslöffel | Finely Choppped Scallions |
3 | Serrano Chilies, Chopped |
2 Esslöffel | Chopped Cilantro Leaves |
1/2 Teelöffel | Sea Salt, To Taste |
1/3 Tasse | Water |
According to local lore, the cook serves this to her son-in-law because "le pica mucho" (it bites him a lot). It is very "picante". However, if you use 3 chiles, it is only pleasantly picante. This sauce should have a thick, rough consistency and is used with frijoles, rice, or broiled meats. It is best eaten fresh but will keep for a few days in the refrigerator without spoiling. It does not freeze well.
Roughly chop the tomatoes, add a little at a time with the rest of the ingredients to a blender jar, and blend for a few seconds with each addition until the sauce has a rough consistency.
the key to salsa verde is the tomatillos (tomate verde - Not just a green tomato)...don't know where you're from, but if it's the west or southwest, you'll probably find them in the super...if not, they are available canned, in a mexican food section.
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