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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1 1/8 x ca. 450 gflour
1 x ca. 30 gyeast
1 Teelöffelsugar
1 2/3 Tassemilk
1/3 x ca. 450 gsugar
1 Prisesalt
 Small egg
1/3 x ca. 450 gbutter or margarine
7 x ca. 30 gsugar
1 PackungVanillesugar
2 Esslöffelmilk
1/3 x ca. 450 gAlmonds sliced
2 Esslöffellemon juice
1 PackungVanillepudding
2 1/8 Tassemilk
1 Prisesalt
3 Esslöffelsugar
1/3 x ca. 450 gbutter
die Zubereitung:

Put flour into bowl, make a well in the middle, add yeast in small pieces, add the 1 T of sugar then the roometep. Milk.Use a spoon the make a small dough in the well.Now add the rest of the flour from the sides, cut margarine into small pieces and add to the rim of the mixture.Add sugar and salt, then knete into a smooth and dry dough.Grease cookiesheet with margarine and roll out the dough. Cover and let rest for 20 min. For the Topping : Combine Butter, sugar, vanillasugar, milk, almonds and lemonjuice.Stir together in a pot and heat..for 5 min.Let cool slighthly and add to rised dough.Bake for 35 min at 375'.After baking take the cake from the cookiesheet and cool.Cut into 5-7 long rows then into 3" pieces.You should have about 40 pieces.Now cut each piece acrosse in the middle for the filling. For the Filling: combine the vanillepudding with some cold milk.Cook remainig milk with salt and sugar.Take from stove and add vanillepudding.Now heat until it cooks then take from stove let cool and still stir some.Whip Butter and add Pudding one spoon at the time.Now top the lower doughpiece with the filling and put the top piece on.Keep cool until serving.

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