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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Amaretto Trifle
Zutaten für 6 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
8 x ca. 30 gSponge cake
1/4 TasseAmaretto
2 TasseStrawberries sliced
1/2 TasseSliced toasted almonds
1/4 Tassecornstarch
1/3 Tassesugar granulated
 Pinch salt
3 Tassemilk cold
egg yolks
1/2 Tassecream
1/4 TasseAmaretto
1 Teelöffelvanilla extract pure
1/4 Teelöffelalmond extract
1 Tassewhipping cream optional
2 EsslöffelAmaretto optional
die Zubereitung:

Cut the cake into small cubes and spread out in one layer on a cookie sheet or waxed paper. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup Amaretto.

To prepare the custard, combine the cornstarch, sugar and salt in a heavy saucepan. Whisk in 1/2 cup cold milk and blend well. Then add the remaining milk. Cook the custard over gentle heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and mixture just comes to the boil, about 5 minutes.

Combine the egg yolks with the cream. Add a little of the hot custard to the yolks to raise the temperature gradually, and then add the yolks to the custard. Cook for a few minutes longer.

Stir in 1/4 cup Amaretto, the vanilla and almond extract. Remove from the heat. Cover with buttered waxed paper to prevent a skin from forming and cool slightly.

Divide the cake, sliced strawberries and almonds among large wine glasses or dessert bowl. Pour an equal amount of custard over each serving.

To prepare the garnish, beat the whipping cream until stiff. Beat in 2 tbsp. Amaretto. Pipe or spoon the cream on top of each serving.

the whipped cream garnish. Top each serving with a whole strawberry.

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