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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Dutch Ginger Squares
Zutaten für 30 Stück Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
225 Gramm(8 oz) self-raising flour
50 Gramm(2 oz) ground almonds
175 Gramm(6 oz) firm butter; or margarine, cut in 1 inch (2.5 cm) chunks
125 Gramm(4 oz) light muscavado sugar
1 Esslöffellemon juice
450 Gramm(1 lb) best-quality ginger preserve; or ginger marmalade.
2 EsslöffelDemerara sugar; or golden granulated sugar
3 EsslöffelFlaked almonds.
die Zubereitung:

Makes 24-30 small squares. Keep 1 month in an airtight tin. Freeze 6 months. Grating the top layer of this delicate dough is much easier than rolling it out.

Method: In the food processor, put the flour and ground almonds, the butter and the sugar. Pulse until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.

Beat the egg and lemon juice together, add to the machine and pulse until the crumbs are evenly moistened and just beginning to hold together.

Tip the mixture into a mixing bowl and gather it up with the hands into a ball. Divide in two and knead each piece gently on a lightly floured board until smooth. Flatten each piece until it is about 1 inch (2.5cm ) thick, then wrap in film.

Chill one piece in the refrigerator for an hour and freeze the other for the same length of time. Preheat the oven to Gas No 5 (375 F/190 C). Get ready an ungreased shallow baking tin measuring approx. 12 x 8 x 3/4 inches

(30 x 20 x 2 cm). Roll out the chilled portion of dough on a floured board until it is the size of the tin.

Carefully transfer to the tin and trim level with the rim. Spoon the ginger preserve evenly over the dough. Coarsely grate the frozen dough in an even layer on top of the preserve.

Mix together the granulated sugar and the flaked almonds, then scatter on top of the pastry.

Bake for 40 minutes or until golden and firm to gentle touch. Leave for 15 minutes, then mark into 24 or 30 small squares. When the squares are quite cold, lift them from the tin.

The Jewish Chronicle

Mm-formatted by Petra <phildeb@gmx. Net>

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