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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Frosty Cappuccino Torte
Zutaten für 12 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
2 PackungLadyfinger cookies
3 Esslöffelwater hot
2 TeelöffelCappuccino flavored coffee
 Powder -- instant
1 x ca. 1/2 Literice cream vanilla
 Slightly softened
1 x ca. 1/2 LiterCoffee ice cream -- slightly
1 EsslöffelRum Extract
2 x ca. 30 gSemisweet chocolate -- room
die Zubereitung:

Spray a 9" spring-form pan with nonstick cooking spray; set aside. From one package of ladyfingers, remove on cookie and set aside. Place remaining ladyfingers flat side down on a cutting board and trim to 2"; reserve trimmings with the one set-aside ladyfinger. Arrange ladyfingers, trimmed end down with flat side toward inside of pan. In a cup, stir together hot water and coffee powder; brush half the mixture on the ladyfingers. Arrange the second package of ladyfingers, flat side up in the bottom of the pan. Crumble the trimmings and remaining cookie over ladyfingers in bottom of pan. Brush with the remaining expresso. In a large metal bowl, whisk vanilla ice cream with rum extract. Pour into springform pan and smooth with metal spatula, freeze 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in a large metal bowl, whisk coffee ice cream until smooth. Pour over vanilla ice cream; smooth with a metal spatula and return to freezer. Using a vegetable peeler, shave chocolate onto a piece of wax paper. Remove torte from freezer; top with chocolate shavings. Return to freezer 10 minutes or longer. Use a knife dipped into water to cut and serve.

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