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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Garlic Eggplant
Zutaten für 5 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1 mittelOnion coarsely chopped
8 x ca. 30 gmushrooms quartered
Japanesse eggplants - cut in
 Cubes (or one large regular
 Eggplant, the japanesse are
 Sweeter in my
 Opinion If you you regular
 Eggplant, you may want to
 Salt and
 Drain for a couple of
 Ours )
3/4 Head of garlic - crushed or
 Chopped fine
1 Tassewater
1 TeelöffelDried basil or 1/4 cup fresh Chopped
 X Salt and pepper to taste.
die Zubereitung:

In a large heavy bottomed pan (or dutch oven), sautee (in water or veggie stock) onions over medium heat until soft and sweet. Add mushrooms, eggplant, garlic and water. Keep on med - high heat stiring occationally until the water is boiling (about 2 min). Turn down heat to a simmer and cover about 1/2 hour or until eggplant is done and very soft (regular eggplant may take a bit longer). Add basil, salt and pepper to taste. Reheat when ready to serve.

If you *want* to add tomatoes, 6-8 plum tomatoes would be good.

> Annice Grinberg <>. Fatfree Digest

TXFT40A@Prodigy. Com using Mmconv

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