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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Kringle (Coffee Ring)
Zutaten für 24 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
die Zubereitung:

1 portion dough for sweet buns (Boller-Sweet Buns) slivered almonds/coarse sugar/powdered (icing) sugar

Filling 1: 2 c custard cream filling

Filling 2: 5 oz ground almonds

2/3 c sugar 1 egg white 2 Ts Cold water

Filling 3:

1.5 c thick jam, for ex. Raspberry or strawberry. Or applesauce.

Mix dough as for sweet buns. Roll to a long sausage, about 3 ft. Long. If you are adding filling: Roll with rolling pin so it is about 7-9 in. Wide. Spread a strip of filling along the middle of the dough. Fold the long sides over the filling, moisten edges and press together to seal.

Lay the cake on a greased cooking sheet, seam side down. Curve the two ends to meet at the middle of the cake (and cross them) so that it is shaped like a figure 8. Let rise about 30 minutes. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with slivered almonds and coarse sugar. Bake at 200 C (375 F) for about 20 minutes.

Or substitute almond and sugar topping by making icing out of stirring a little cold water into powdered sugar, and spread this thinly on top of the kringle, slivered almonds on top, after it has finished baking.

Aniseeds is also added to the original dough sometimes. Walt Mm Helle

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