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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Pork Loin Mexicana * (Part 1)
Zutaten für 4 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1/4 Recipe Sweet Sensation Rub *
3 1/2 x ca. 450 gBone'd center-cut pork loin
Recipe Fruit Salsa *
6 x ca. 30 gUncooked Cha-Cha Chorizo *
 Or other chorizo or spicy
1/2 mittelonions minced
green onions sliced
Recipe Mexicana Mop *
die Zubereitung:

Santa never complained, and was always good to us.

22 May 94

is an important element of many Cajun and Creole dishes. It is a mixture of half flour and half fat (oil or butter) cooked to progressive degrees of color from blond to brown depending on the richness and the "smokiness" of the flavor you are trying to achieve, the brown being the richest. This typical ingredient is a problem to low-fat, low-calorie, low-cholesterol cookery because of its high oil content, but making a "roux" without the oil is simple.

For use in Cajun dishes, gravies and as an all around flavorful thickening agent.

Make several cups at a time and store in tightly closed jar in refrigerator.

Put 1 to 3 cups flour into heavy skillet and place over moderate heat. The amount of flour depends only on size of skillet and size of storage container you will use.

Stir the flour around often with a wooden spoon as it cooks. Pay attention to the cooking because the flour will take a few minutes (5 or so) to begin coloring. Stir constantly to keep the flour in the bottom of the skillet moving so that it does not burn. Continue until all the flour is desired color, probably about like a light peanut butter color. The entire process

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