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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Hungarian stuffed eggs
Zutaten für 6 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
eggs hard-cooked
1/3 TasseCooked ham; finely chopped
3/4 Teelöffelmustard dry
1/4 Teelöffelsalt
1/4 Teelöffelpepper
3 1/2 EsslöffelThick sour cream
1 EsslöffelButter melted
die Zubereitung:

Cut each egg in half length-wise. Remove yolks to a bowl and mash them with a fork. Mix in minced ham, mustard, salt and pepper. Stir in the sour cream. Fill the whites with the yolk mixture. Serve hot or cold.

To heat, arrange eggs filled side up in a baking dish. Brush the eggs with the melted butter and sprinkle them with paprika. Place in a 375 oven for 5 min to warm through. Serve with forks or cut into halves and use toothpicks inserted into each section.

Anchovy stuffed eggs: Sub 3 to 6 anchovy fillets for the ham and omit the salt.

Mushroom stuffed eggs: Omit the ham and decrease the sour cream to 2 1/2 tb. Finely chop a 1/4 lb of cleaned mushrooms and cook slowly in a small skillet in a little butter until browned and tender. Add to the egg yolk mixture and proceed.

From the Culinary Arts Institute Cooking Magic Series: Hungarian Cookbook.

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